Regional farms practicing Permaculture
Three Waters Permaculture
We offer online courses to support your life, the permaculture design course, advanced design courses, and related projects.
Heartbeet Farms Permaculture Education Center
We model and provide information that enables people to provide for their own & their communities’
needs for food, energy, shelter, & to design decent lives without exploitation or pollution
from the smallest practical area of land.
In season, we grow and sell vegetable and flower seedlings followed by produce from the gardens and orchard.
Online and in-the-field events will be offered as conditions allow. - Montague, MI
Cincinnati Permaculture Institute
Cincinnati Permaculture Institute seeks to educate individuals and organizations on Permaculture in order to catalyze a resilient culture in the Cincinnati Bioregion. Leveraging symbiotic opportunities for practical regenerative results. They offer in person Permaculture Design Certifications
Madison Permaculture Guild
The Madison Area Permaculture Guild is rapidly prototyping a new, more accessible format for our annual Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course, dubbed the “Slow PDC.”
What makes it slow? It will break down the typical 72 hours of a PDC into 2-hour sections which can be completed over 1 to 3 years, or longer! Completion of each section will be marked with a digital badge
Midwest Permaculture - Stelle, IL
We deliver enlivening-permaculture trainings that we trust will stick with students for a lifetime.
We honor the traditional PDC curriculum while updating it with present day developments.
Our instructors are not only passionate about the subject but are excellent teachers and active permaculture practitioners & designers.
Students tell us this training has saved them years of self study and costly trial and error.
Treeyo Permaculture - Petersburg, KY
The focus of TreeYo Permaculture, led by Doug Crouch, is agro-ecology systems regeneration with its cascading affects into equitable social systems and thriving local economies. Doug teaches with the Cincinnati Permaculture Institute but offers education services outside of Cincinnati